Cenab-ı Allah Kur’an-ı Kerim’de: “İşte bu benim yolum, dosdoğru olan yoldur. Bundan başka doğru yol yoktur. Buna tabi olun, başkasına asla tabi olmayın.” buyuruyor. Demek ki buraya gelmenin bir gayesi de Allah’ın ipine sımsıkı sarılmaktır. Peygamberler, veliler, alimler hepsi bunu anlatmaya geldiler ve insanların dosdoğru yürümesi için teblig ettiler, gayret sarfettiler. ********************** Eğer biz İslam ile amel etmez, çocuklarımıza İslamı öğretmez isek öldükten sonra pişman oluruz ve hem biz hem de çocuklarımız helak oluruz. ********************** İnsan yaptığı işlerde Allah’ın rızasını kastederse mutlaka başarıya ulaşır. Eğer dünya menfaatlerini kastederse başarıya ulaşamaz. İnsanın niyeti Allah’ın rızası olursa, Cenab-ı Allah onun için bütün…
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Rahman ve Rahim Olan Allah´ın Adıyla Ey müslümanlar, mübarek kurban bayramınızı tebrik ediyorum. Cenab-ı Hak hem bize, hem size hem İslam Ümmetine bu bayramı, bu yüce fırsatı, bu münasebeti tekrar tekrar yaşamayı nasip eylesin.Cenab-ı Hak bu mübarek bayramı bütün müslümanların arasını birleştirmeye, dağınıklığını gidermeye, bir araya toplanmaya, düşmanlarının karşısında bir set olup, engel teşkil etmeye ve işgal edilmiş topraklarını siyonistlerin ve gasp edenlerin elinden kurtarmaya vesile eylesin. Birlik ve beraberlik içinde yaşamayı nasip ve müyesser eylesin. Ey müslümanlar, Cenaba-ı Allah´tan diliyorum ki; bütün İslam ülkelerinin liderlerini birlik ve beraberlik içerisinde bulundursun. Onları kendilerine kast edenlere karşı koyan, dimdik ye taptaze bir…
Haznavi family has a very different and special position in the Islamic world. It is a family that consists of great scholars, wise and virtuous people, those who have wisdom and guide people and great people who are the authority of taqwa. They became leaders and models with these features, and they also conduced to the rising of Islam. These are blessing and present that Allah offers to the Islamic world by means of those people. As you know “sunnetullah” is a way of practicing the heavenly order that shows us Almighty Allah’s laws and way of use which are…
HATMA- I HADJAGHAN Hatma-i hadjaghan is the most important part of this great tariqa. Hatma-i sherif which has too much secret and abundance is divided into two parts; one is big hatma and the other is small hatma. It is a condition of a common prayer, supplication, expressing weakness, zikr and contemplation made for almighty Allah (c.c). Our beloved Prophet (s.a.v) used to sit with his companions as a circle in his meetings. So, everybody could easily see eachother and our Prophet (s.a.v). This way of sitting is also the way of Hatma’s sitting. As you know zikr for almighty…
In the name of Allah, the most merciful and the most compassionate, Praises be to Allah who created the universe and adorned it with his servants. May prayers and peace be with the greatest person, chosen friend of Allah, our guide and beloved prophet Muhammed Mustafa. May prayers and peace be with faithful people, Muslims who die for Islam, our beloved prophet’s companions and Ahl-i Bayt who transferred His sunnah to all times. As you know, it is Islam which is the last and valid religion in Allah’s opinion. Islam had been completed in twentythree years, in a long period.…
In the name of Allah, the most merciful and the most compassionate, The progressing of humanity education is a process which started with Hadrat Adam and will go on until the end of the world. The first training was given by Allah to Adam and his pure wife Eve. Allah wanted to show them by this training how devil was a big enemy of humanity and what they could lose when they ate from the forbidden fruit. The attention and mission of Messengers had been started with coming to earth and starting process of being tested. Attractiveness of life and…
Our portion from death is to take a lesson from it. A person, who takes lesson from it, understands that nobody can be saved from it. Everybody will go in the path of death one day. Then, he starts to love the saints, hold on the orders of almighty Allah and be protected from forbidden things in order to be ready for death. How happy to the person doing this! Anyone who doesn’t take lesson from death is at a loss. You should be willing to the works of almighty Allah. It is said that: Fudayl bin Eliyad (k.) laughed…
Praise be to Allah to whom saints reach only with His love. May prayers and peace be with our beloved Prophet with whom wise people found the spiritual maqam (position). May prayers and peace be with the family and companions of the Prophet Muhammad by means of whom Muslims found the righteous path. Dear brothers, it is discontinuous to mention Allah Subhanallahu. Even, a servant is ordered to do that every time. On the other hand, there are different special times of the other worships. These worships can’t be performed in any different time, except from their own time. Although…
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah who turns His servants towards the straight path. Salat and peace be upon our beloved Prophet who is very merciful and friendly towards Muslims, His Ahl-al Bayt, all His companions and those who won’t leave from His strong method up to the doomsday. The following information you will read is a few valuable pearls and healing oinment chosen from the legends of Sheikh Ahmad Haznavi who is the teacher of followers, guide of advisers, carrier of the Shari’a’s flag, declarator of Naqshbandi tariqa, knowledgeable and perfect scholar. Now,…
In the name of Allah, the most merciful and the most, Human being has set of on a journey for going to the Hereafter by mounting on night and day since he was born. Every day and night takes a quantity of his life. At the end life becomes exhausted and the journey ends. Death is tasted which is a transition to the Hereafter. Human being submits to the divine judgment with death. His breath is exhausted compassionate like fire which goes out after its flames rise up and so the flame of life ends. When death comes close to a…